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Platinum Director - Maggie Goh
From the Doldrums to the Peak

She used to bring home a mere $300 every month. After she joined the BWL family, her life became better with her newly gained knowledge on direct selling, health and beauty. Maggie successfully transformed her simple and monotonous life to one that was interesting and fulfilling. However, some things were not meant to be. Her husband passed away, leaving behind 2 young children, his elderly parents and a huge debt. Maggie felt absolutely helpless. However, her strong sense of responsibility gave her strength to face the hard reality and continue her life.

"I had very much wanted to go just like my husband and be free from all the worries. However, my children brought me back to reality. I was also very lucky to be able to rely on BWL. The founders gave me lots of encouragements and strength to face the daily challenges. My BWL business partners too encouraged and supported me immensely. They all gave me greater courage to move forward. Deep in my heart, I knew I had to face reality."

Adversity fuelled her desire to excel. Maggie chose to believe in BWL, and she succeeded. BWL helped to tide her through her crisis and gave her a better life.

Throughout these 10 years, Maggie's network has left footprints in many countries while she enjoys a steady and attractive monthly income. she is also greatly respected because of her magnetic personality and strong character. Maggie constantly breaks the sales records in BWL and was the first to be promoted as a Platinum Director, thereby proving herself as a natural born leader. Her qualities, such as a strong sense of justice, magnanimity as well as absolute dedication towards her downlines, are markings of a good leader.