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Platinum Director - Meiyanne Saad Susanto (Inne)
From Elite to Entrepreneur

Inne's academic achievements are simply impressive. Having served in the banking and financial industries and coming from a family of diplomats, Inne was an elite in her own right.

Inne discovered BWL products by accident and was really impressed with the efficacy of BWL products and the infinite business opportunity before her. However, she faced a lot of pressure when she decided to commit fully to the BWL business. Many were skeptical if she could survive in the industry as she had always been more academically-inclined. However, she firmly believed in her decision because she appreciated BWL's unique culture and its range of quality products. At the same time, she also wanted to give herself a chance to explore a different field - A field that places no limit to her growth.

"There is such an explosive growth opportunity at BWL. We are able to gain from its amazing financial rewards and grow on a personal level too. You don't have to be a very good salesperson to join the BWL business. Everyone is given a fair opportunity to excel and benefit. I hope to send out the message to people that BWL consists of credible, trustworthy and well-schooled professionals who recognize and tap on the incredible opportunities for success."

"At BWL I'm able to achieve exponential monetary rewards. Not only that, my personal development has achieved one breakthrough after another and I have been able to stretch myself further. Even for one who is not adept at sales, you will be welcomed by the BWL family because everyone is given a level playing field to start with."

"BWL has a ready success platform for all who are willing to learn and work hard. Another important factor to consider is that the returns you get at BWL is not only limited to monetary rewards. It is the achievement of greater personal development as well as greater self-esteem."

"BWL menyediakan panggung sukses untuk orang-orang yang bekerja keras dan berkemauan untuk belajar. Selain faktor penghasilan yang menarik, anda masih bisa mendapatkan perkembangan diri."