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Platinum Director - Phety Soekiato
Reinvented as a top notch entrepreneur

Like many others, Phety was first introduced to BWL through DR's Secret. After using DR's Secret, Phety experienced significant improvements to her complexion and began receiving countless compliments. She became convinced that BWL's quality products represented a lucrative business opportunity.

However, having been a housewife for most of her life, she had to learn many things from scratch. But BWL's comprehensive training programme placed her on track soon enough. Her admirable time management skills ensured that she was able to balance time between her family and career remarkably well.

She said, "In the past, as I was shy and introverted, I was constantly fearful of speaking in public before large audiences. But after taking part in BWL's trainings, I am now able to speak before a large audience without a moment's thought. Since joining BWL, my days have become more fulfilling. Besides solving people's skin and health problems, BWL has a fair system we can all trust."